Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hangover "Cure-All" Tea

Hangovers are the definition a bad time. Everyone has their own ideas on how to cure them, but unfortunately, most theories revolve around greasy food or...more alcohol. We prefer a healthier alternative.

This recipe comes from Alicia Silverstone's, The Kind Diet, and it is the perfect solution for a hangover. Not only does it cure fatigue, headaches, and nausea, but it also helps to curb cravings. This way, you feel much better and avoid spending the entire day reaching for every greasy/fatty meal you can find.

Other ideas that help us prevent/cure a hangover.

x. Eat a handful of raw almonds before going out. This was a remedy used by the Native Americans (an African remedy suggests peanut butter). Fat is digested slowly and will help protect the stomach.

x. Walk home from the bar. Not only does this keep you from getting in a car, risking a DUI and...death, but exercise helps your body rid itself of toxins and it helps blood circulation. Plus, walking that night is far more appealing (and fun) than getting up early to go to the gym.
**after this was posted, a friend e-mailed this....soo maybe just take a cab...exercise later...**

x. Before you go to bed have two huge glasses of water. Dehydration is responsible for most of the annoying effects of a hangover. Make sure you drink water to rehydrate and to help flush the alcohol out of your system.

x. Eat something! Greasy burritos and burgers are what most people reach for at 2 am, but the best thing you can do is grab some bread and olive oil. The carbohydrates will help absorb the alcohol and the olive oil will line your stomach, creating a protective layer.

x. Try to avoid taking drugs of any kind. Ibuprofen and Tylenol may sound tempting, but they lend themselves to tears in the stomach lining and liver damage. Chances've already handled this on your own.

P.S. Here is the link we mentioned

Note: If you are having trouble accessing the video for this post, view it here!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Raw Pesto Pasta

Eating raw is probably one of the best things you can do for your body. To list some of the benefits...
x. improved health
x. amazing skin
x. more energy
x. better sex
x. clearer mind
It has even claimed to help reverse cancer.
The idea is that when food is heated over 115 degrees, it kills the enzymes (which are necessary for digestion) and destroys most of the vitamins and nutrients. Why not try and keep food fresh and nutrient-rich so it can best serve your body? We promise it is equally delicious. Here is an example...

This is a recipe we were exposed to through an "uncooking class" with Jenny Ross, chef/owner of the restaurant 118 Degrees.

Note: If you are having trouble accessing the video for this post, view it here!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

3 Day Juice Detox

For our first episode, we found it appropriate to document our 3 day juice detox as it is an amazing way to kick-start a healthy lifestyle.

We'd been hearing about the benefits of juice fasting for a while, so we decided to give it a shot. Though drinking only juice for 3 days sounds an awful lot like a crash diet, it's actually a great way to get all the nutrients you need while giving your digestive system a rest. This way your body can go to work on other things (like clearing your skin, detoxifying your body, and improving your overall health).

If you are looking to take on the juice detox, here's a list of sources we referenced:
Christa's Favorite Source
Whitney's Favorite Source

Note: If you are having trouble accessing the video for this post, view it here!